PSIM Officers:
Jeff Britton,
Phenix Technologies
Vice Chair:
David Wallace,
Mississippi State University
Jeff Hildreth,
Past Chair:
Ernst Hanique,
Standards Coordinator:
Jim McBride,
JMX Services, Inc.
IEEE PES PSIM Committee Scope:
I. Treatment of all matters in which the dominant factor is the manual or automatic instrumentation and measurement of the electrical parameters of equipment and systems for the generation, transmission, and distribution of electric power. As well as the measurement of current, voltage, power and power factor for various applications, the following are included in the Committee’s purview:
· High Voltage Testing Techniques
· Electricity Metering
· Power Quality
· Sensor Technologies
II. Sponsorship and development (either alone or jointly with other technical committees and/or organizations) of standards, recommended practices, guidelines and policies as well as preparation of position papers and/or documents, technical conferences and/or sessions on matters related to items above.
III. Liaison and cooperation with other technical committees, societies, groups and associations concerned with various aspects of items above.
Attending a Meeting:
Meet with metrology experts from around the world. Anyone performing high voltage and high current measurement on power system devices can benefit from attending our meetings. The committee meets in conjunction with other PES activities, including PES GM and PES JTCM, and rotates to the other apparatus committees. Meeting attendance by web conference is available for many of our meetings.
PSIM Subcommittees:
· Administrative
· Electricity Metering
· High Voltage Testing Techniques
· Sensors
· Recognition And Awards
· Standards
Upcoming Meetings: